Tremont Temple Baptist Church Boston, Massachusetts
Custom Allen 221 Stop Four-Manual Instrument

Tremont Temple Baptist Church

Allen Organ Company, the world's largest builder of organs, completed the installation of a beautiful four-manual Allen digital organ at the Tremont Temple Baptist Church in Boston, Massachusetts. The church is one of the first organized Baptist congregations in colonial America. The current edifice seats over 1,800 worshippers.

The organ has 221 stop controls-equal in size to a pipe instrument of 157 ranks. Part of the vast tonal resources of this instrument is a "String" division, which speaks from atop the church's ceiling towers rising 82 feet from the nave floor. This Allen organ replaced a Casavant pipe organ of 110 ranks. The Casavant organ was considered to have been the largest symphonic instrument built by that company. Mr. Dan Foster, organist and musical director of the church, reports that the decision to install an Allen organ rather than rebuild the pipe instrument was due to several factors. Foremost among them were the musical and technical superiority of the Allen, the reliability of the product, and the company's long-term support, experience and reputation for excellence...all at a cost of approximately 10% of the rebuilding project. This magnificent instrument was dedicated in a recital by Diane Bish, internationally famous organist and host of "The Joy of Music" television series.