ORGAN OF THE WEEK ~ 03/25/22
This Custom Three-Manual Allen Organ
is scheduled for installation in Kutztown, Pennsylvania.
The console features:
50th Anniversary Package
"D" Console
Allen Keyboards with Ivora Naturals and Walnut Sharps
Velocity Keying
Drawknob Stems: Walnut with White Inserts
Pipe Prepped with Keycheek Pistons: ADD PIPES, SUB PIPES
Expression Nameplates on Pedalboard
Toe Studs: Sequencer NEXT & PREV; ZIMBELSTERN
Adjustable Lighted Solid Wood Music Rack
Walnut Pedal Sharps
Adjustable Bench with Base Molding
Expanded Audio: 18 Channels with Festival Trumpet
EAC™ Mixer
Page Turn™ Kit
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