Music Rack: lighted, adustable, rigid, lattice-wood with plexiglass cover
Stop tabs: white
Drawknobs: walnut stems with white faces
Walnut finish divisional dividers and stop tab molding
Custom red engraving on Chancel division nameplates
Reeds engraved in red
S-style keycheeks
Keyboards: walnut sharps, white naturals; red felt above manuals
White pistons; 15 black pistons; 2 red Tutti pistons; keycheek pistons with LED
Chrome toe studs
Pedalboard: walnut sharps and maple naturals
OST™ Keying
Festival Trumpet
Vista Navigator™
GENISYS™ Voice Select
GENISYS™ CONTROL - includes Console Controller™ features plus USB interface, Hymn-Player™
(automatically plays over 150 hymns), Sequencer, Additional Capture Memories and much more