This Three-Manual Allen organ console is scheduled for installation in Goose Creek, South Carolina.
The console features:
Two-tone finish, oak exterior, walnut interior
Cathedral-style side overlays
Music rack: lighted, adjustable, rigid, lattice-wood with plexi-glass cover
Oak divisional divider strips
Stop tabs: 20 maple, 8 rosewood
Drawknobs: elite-style rosewood stems, 88 maple faces, 8 rosewood faces
Custom engravings
Sequentially numbered stops
Reeds engraved in red
Maple nameplates
Skinner-style keycheeks
Keyboards: rosewood sharps, Ivora naturals; green felt above manuals
White, black and red pistons; keycheek piston with LED
Chrome toe studs
Pedalboard: rosewood sharps, maple naturals
OST™ Keying
Tracker Touch
Page Turn Kit
Festival Trumpet
EAC™ (Expanded Audio Capabilities)
Allen Vista Navigator™
Monitor System
GeniSys™ Voices
GeniSys™ Control - includes Console Controller™ features plus USB interface, Hymn-Player™
(automatically plays over 150 hymns), Sequencer, Additional Capture Memories and much more
Prepared for pipe interface system
Selected stops are named to correspond with the "Joyful Mysteries" for a special organ in the Catholic tradition.