This Two-Manual Diane Bish Designer Series is scheduled for installation in Stanley, Wisconsin.
The console features:
Walnut console
Square side overlays
Music rack: lighted, rigid, acrylic (in lieu of lattice-wood theatre-style)
Stop tabs: white, MIDI in black
Drawknobs: black stems, white faces
Gold trim
Reeds engraved in red; Couplers engraved in green
Diane Bish Signature Series plaque
Square-style keycheeks
Keyboards: black sharps, white naturals; red felt above manuals
White pistons; red Tutti I and Tutti II
Chrome toe studs with red felt
Pedalboard: black sharps, maple naturals
OST™ Keying
GeniSys™ Voices
GeniSys™ Control - includes Console Controller™ features plus USB interface, Hymn-Player™
(automatically plays over 150 hymns), Sequencer, Additional Capture Memories and much more