This Three-Manual Chancel™ with the optional Drawknob Package is scheduled for installation in Ocala, Florida.
The console features:
Oak-finish console
Optional Drawknob Package includes Roll Top
Music Rack: lighted, folding, acrylic
Stop tabs: white; MIDI in black
Drawknobs: black stems with white faces
Classic Allen plus optional suites: English (mainly Willis samples), Cavaillé-Coll, Schlicker, Arp Schnitger, Aeolian-Skinner, Wurlitzer, Morton, Barton
Custom engravings
Square-style keycheeks
Keyboards: black sharps, white naturals
White pistons
Chrome toe studs
Pedalboard: black sharps and maple naturals
Reed Switch Keying
GeniSys™ Voices
GeniSys™ Control - includes Console Controller™ features plus USB interface, Hymn-Player™ (automatically plays over 150 hymns), Sequencer, Additional Capture Memories and much more