ORGAN OF THE WEEK ~ 02/20/15
This Three-Manual pipe/digital combination Bravura™ is scheduled for installation in Chelsea, Michigan.
The console features:
Allen pipe interface system
Walnut finish exterior, oak finish interior
Cathedral-style side overlays
Music Rack: lighted, adjustable, lattice-wood
Stop tabs: white; MIDI in black
Drawknobs: walnut stems with white faces
Orchestral, Arp Schnitger
Walnut divisional divider strips
Custom engravings
Square-style keycheeks
Keyboards: walnut sharps, white naturals
White pistons
Chrome toe studs
Pedalboard: walnut sharps and maple naturals
OST™ Keying
Page Turn kit
Allen Vista Navigator™
EAC™ (Expanded Audio Capabilities)
Bench: adjustable-height; base molding