ORGAN OF THE WEEK ~ 01/02/13
This combination pipe and digital Five-Manual Heritage™ organ with an extended height console
is scheduled for installation in Dallas, Texas.
The console features:
Cherry wood console with a custom cherry finish matched to customer samples
Rosewood division divider strips
Music Rack: lighted, adjustable-height, rigid, solid cherry wood
Stop tabs: rosewood
Drawknobs: rosewood stems, Elite-style, rosewood faces
Custom engravings
S-style rosewood keycheeks
Keyboards: rosewood sharps, ivora naturals; green felt above manuals
White pistons; additional piston with LED for Swell & Choir monitor
Chrome toe studs
Pedalboard: rosewood sharps, maple naturals; solid cherry pedalboard and toe stud blocks
Bench: adjustable-height with back rest
OST™ keying with sustain kick switch
Allen Vista Navigator™